A dear friend in Nacogdoches,Texas had asked me to make the pinkeeps for her shop. Just heard from her this morning, seems a tree fell on their home and they sustained alot of wind in her area. She watched pieces of siding and roofing come off her neighbors home. I was just happy to wake up to an email that they are okay, without power and using a generator but alive. Got a phone call from my sister in Indiana seems at that time she had lost about 7 trees in her area and since then my mom has updated it to be more like 20. What a storm Ike turned out to be! Haven't heard anything from Linda ( my sister in law ) of SimpleTresures. Hope all is okay there.
Well I guess its time to get things boxed up to send that sold and get busy with sewing again. I have high hopes today to sew and somehow clean the house, scrub showers etc... oh lucky me!!!
Oh my gosh! These are so cute! Are these ornament size or larger? Beautiful!
Hi Debbie and thanks for stopping by my blog and for the wonderful compliments on my paintings! Thanks for answering my question too. Wow those are a lot bigger than I thought from the pictures. I figured they were about half that size. they are gorgeous!
I guess I need to look into these blogger groups. I'm a little new to the blogging scene. Been a webmaster for 11 years but just started blogging. I keep seeing Lemon Poppy Seeds everywhere, so i guess I need to look into it :)
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