Back to the land of the living or existing!! I have had the worst headache the last three days... not my normal headache this one knocked me on my butt!!! I haven't had much luck in doing much of anything productive at all,, kinda in a drugged fog. Finally last night I took a muscle relaxer and well today you can imagine I have been pretty much out of it. Just tired beyond normal. So as the day has worn on I seem to be feeling like my old self again and went outside. Headache is still there but manageable at the moment. Took some photos of the spring flowers.

The Rhododendrons are just starting to open so this weekend I should have some beautiful flower pics. But for now the azaleas are opening really nice and my Clematis is really getting some showy flowers.

Other than that I don't have much to share... I have 9 doll bodies that are being sewn together today,,, seems they all cry for legs, arms and heads!!! Maybe I will sew again tomorrow at least that's my hopes.
Of course I'm sure that when Steve gets home tonight we will be working on the pond out front. It is all torn apart and ugly now!! Depressing and hope that before long I will have it finished and looking pretty again. This time done correctly!!! I wont be showing pics just yet!!!
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