Wow all in all yesterday turned out to be a pretty decent day. The sun was peaking out and we actually went to the park without plastic parkas... Rode quite a few more rides but never got on one of the large roller coasters... when I had convinced myself it was a do or die and might as well bite the bullet and go, Shane said maybe tomorrow!!
LOL We then had a nice lunch at The
Nascar Sports Grille... great food!!

Getting ready to leave the park I piped up and said we should do the Terminator show.... So we go in... wait the 40 minutes in line. Go into the show, which was very good, and when we got back outside it was pouring.... and I mean just pouring!!! Here I am in my American eagle leather flip flops... walking through rain and puddles... my
capris were soaked, my hair a mess and just wanting to get back to our condo!!! Our driver came to pick us up quickly in time to watch the electric storm all the way back to the condo unit. Thunder clapped and cracked so loud
you'd feel it in the SUV. Unreal weather!! Again I took a pic out the window... MORE RAIN!!!

BUT.... What about AMERICAN IDOL!!! WOW I jumped so fast off the couch when they announced Kris the winner!! I am so Happy!!! Although the 2 hour ordeal to get to the ending results were quite painful at times to listen to the outcome was right!! Kris sang wonderful with Keith Urban... On the other hand Adam about made me puke singing with one of my high school
favs KISS. Hell those are 50 year old men up there with make up on... and there is another freak alongside them screeching in his platform boots. Quite fitting I must say. As you can tell... I was NEVER and will NEVER be an Adam Lambert fan..... I love and have always loved rock music but what I heard out of his mouth made my stomach turn...
GLAMROCK is nothing I enjoy!!
I'm very happy for Kris and his wife and family... He will be a success no doubt!!
Today we got up and did our owners meeting... okay that
wasn't pleasant either!!! After doing one in Maui I swore Id never go to another!!! But they assured us it was to just go over new properties blah blah. NO high pressure sales etc... BULLSHIT!! After 2 hours of listening and then voices raising of my husband and the woman across the table I wanted to crawl under the table and disappear!! Finally Steve blatantly said NO period and we left. OFF to the outlets to shop!!! I found a great deal on a Columbia jacket so was quite pleased. On the way back to our condo we stopped at the Macaroni Grille and ate dinner. I think the best dinner I've had on the trip!!! While walking back in the nice windy weather (NO RAIN yet today!!) we looked off to the left of the sidewalk and there
layed a small alligator.... UNREAL for us living on the west coast. No wonder they post these signs all around the condo pond outside!!!

Tomorrow is our day of departure!!! Of course not til 6:20pm so will head to another Outlet shopping center in the morning and then we are back to the airport!!! If by chance this blog is a little haphazard I am posting from my mini laptop and on my end it all looks great...not sure on a regular screen if its messed up or not.... so please forgive me!!
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