Well we left Kauai today...and woke up to this absolutely gorgeous sunrise!! I have never in all the times to the islands ever had a chance to see a sunrise so beautiful with these colors. BREATHTAKING!!! We had an early flight to Maui. Much warmer on this island and prettier than the last time I was here. Its whale mating season and the whales are very active here. Steve and I can sit on our balcony overlooking the ocean and watch them slap at the water and every now
again breach. I have always wanted to do the ocean whale watch tour so we booked one for tomorrow morning!!! We will be on a large Zodiak raft out in the Pacific and they guarantee to see whales.... Just want to see one of them breach once in my lifetime close up!!! ( well not too close!!)
Anyways... hope to have more wonderful photos tomorrow night. Here are a few others to share from our condo unit today. Until tomorrow.....

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