The times were good and I hope gave my parents a good surprise and many memories to cherish. Things are tough in our family right now with Brian and for those that really know me you know the story. All the prayers, good thoughts and blessings are welcomed with open arms and thanks. The battle is just beginning and we are hoping for the fight of his life to be a success. I am asking for anyone that knows anything about the dreaded "C" word, diets to try to prevent or possibly cure please, please email me. My family and I would be so thankful for any and all help regarding it. As I touch on that subject you can now understand how much this trip really meant, not only were we all together we needed to be there for the support Brian needs. He seems to have a reality check on what is happening and plans to fight it with his every being. I dont think it has set in with everyone though and denial can be seen and felt. This is not going to go away by sweeping it under the rug and spending every moment being supportive of him is needed in such a huge way. I think sometimes we take things for granted, our loved ones especially. You look at them and they look perfectly healthy, you think they will be here forever and one day they get news they are ill, or something happens to them you dont expect. It's too late when they are too sick to understand you or they are gone from this world. It will be too late to say I love you, or Im sorry or just be there for them, be their rock when they need you. Life does not revolve around US it revolves around the memories you make, the NOW choices you make. ENJOY the present, be a rock and support to those in need , cuz one day you will look back and say I wish I had and it will be too late.

Other things and moments shared I am showing in pictures.. I have so many and will just pick a few here to share...

This was me sharing the love of the green and yellow!!! GO DUCKS!!! Yes and while taking this picture in the middle of Nevada City I was asked what I was doing by a couple to which they laughed when they noticed I matched the fire hydrant... LOL. 

These are the two wonderful cats my mom has in her yard.... hard for me to part with either of them. If I had them at home they'd NEVER go outside!!! Mellow and loving babies and the cat lover in me hated to leave them!!!

And then theres mom and dad.... Love these two more than anything!!!
So I returned home on monday, after a long drive and all the sad goodbyes, I get home to hear my daughter has been evicted for the evil neighbor below her that doesnt like her cat jumping around in the middle of the night. So yes yesterday we were out looking for another apartment!! This added stress is not helping her heart problems. We were at the hospital yesterday morning bright and early for a eckocardiogram to which we are told her heart is doing its own thing. Looking forward to hearing the results and hopefully some kind of help they can give her. At 21 its hard to imagine your heart not working correctly when you look perfectly healthy!! Another worry for me and yes today is dye the hair day!!! Talk about letting the wind out of your happy sails.... My paypal account was compromised!!! YEP to the amount of $2,000. After more than one headache yesterday I was able to get it all back and working again but had to close my checking account and reopen another, change all my passwords etc. A real pain!!! What makes such people do this?? Can't they find better things to do than try to steal from others that work hard to make money? It amazes me!!! So... Im sewing today, I dont want to hear any bad news, I want to enjoy today and finally accomplish some much needed work here!!! Hope I can show some kinda progress!!!!
1 comment:
It was really one of memorable trip of yours.
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