Our forecast actually now calls for snow on thursday.. will it happen??? Oh we are so hoping, although I will be stuck in the house for fear of driving in it I still would like to look out my window and have a glimpse at Christmas of the wintery white all over. Right now we have remnants of the snow that fell earlier sunday and froze to the grass... its hard as a rock on the lawn.
Yesterday we went to Eugene.... I took pictures while we were driving so spare me the comments about crummy pics.. LOL It was simply gorgeous,,, what is normally a beautiful drive in the pines and ferns was white. Minus the dumb drivers the day wouldve been good!!!
Funny out here we get all giddy with the snow and ice,, to some its a every winter season chore ..........
We visited the cardiologist yesterday with my daughter Laresa and with further tests it is sounding very likely that she may have a hole in between the two atria. Something that was inutero and didnt form correctly. Now when those words come out of a doctors mouth one can imagine as a mom you feel responsible. Yes.. I could've just cried. I see my daughter on a table hearing those words and I feel as if I let her down although I know there was nothing I could've done to prevent it , I still feel terrible. Nothing is definitive yet until all the tests are reviewed so crossing fingers and praying we will have good news.
On another note... I have two more santas to finish this morning and list on ebay for one day auctions and I am done listing for the season. I have an order to fill and then my late nights are completed and hope to sit and enjoy the season, baking and cleaning!!! I won't walk away from my sewing completely as I need to think of the new year,,,,,but sitting in the evening in my recliner instead of in a sewing chair will be so NICE!!!!

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