Tuesday, December 23, 2008
OH dangola!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A evening of lights....


Monday, December 15, 2008

Its been a great year even with ebay being slow in sales I have met wonderful people online and had a great time creating. I can only hope this next year will be better than this one that is ending!! My daughter will see the cardiologist tomorrow in Eugene. Steve and I will be taking her due to the snowstorm that has landed smack down on Eugene. Seems the ice and snow are pretty intense so hope to show pics of our trip tomorrow when I return!! Crossing my fingers everything goes okay tomorrow at the doctors office.. I just cant take anymore things to upset me!!! To top all this off with her heart problems... her boyfriend broke up with her last night. Makes no sense at all!!! He thinks he needs to figure things out, he still cares alot for her etc. Its not another girl he just feels they need to move forward and he isnt ready for that commitment... and stupid him doesnt realize she doesnt want to get married!!! So lets just say the last day has been very stressful for her, something she really needs to avoid. She will be fine where that part of her heart is concerned... she will move on and he will no doubt be sorry when he sees her with someone else. When he realizes it thought it will probably be too late... LMAO.... I just hate to see my kids hurt or be hurt by someone... just tears me up inside. So tonight Im going down on those knees and praying for good news tomorrow... prayers are accepted gladly!!!

So until I return..... enjoy the holiday season and stay warm!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hard to BeLieVe.....

I just find it so hard to stop as I love making Santas more than I think anything... maybe its just the season or maybe I just love making them ,, I dunno!!! lol

Thursday, December 11, 2008
K one step forward and not looking back...

I'm not going to lie..it sucks!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What a memorable trip..... : )

The times were good and I hope gave my parents a good surprise and many memories to cherish. Things are tough in our family right now with Brian and for those that really know me you know the story. All the prayers, good thoughts and blessings are welcomed with open arms and thanks. The battle is just beginning and we are hoping for the fight of his life to be a success. I am asking for anyone that knows anything about the dreaded "C" word, diets to try to prevent or possibly cure please, please email me. My family and I would be so thankful for any and all help regarding it. As I touch on that subject you can now understand how much this trip really meant, not only were we all together we needed to be there for the support Brian needs. He seems to have a reality check on what is happening and plans to fight it with his every being. I dont think it has set in with everyone though and denial can be seen and felt. This is not going to go away by sweeping it under the rug and spending every moment being supportive of him is needed in such a huge way. I think sometimes we take things for granted, our loved ones especially. You look at them and they look perfectly healthy, you think they will be here forever and one day they get news they are ill, or something happens to them you dont expect. It's too late when they are too sick to understand you or they are gone from this world. It will be too late to say I love you, or Im sorry or just be there for them, be their rock when they need you. Life does not revolve around US it revolves around the memories you make, the NOW choices you make. ENJOY the present, be a rock and support to those in need , cuz one day you will look back and say I wish I had and it will be too late.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Well I am beat!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008
A Trip to the Pacific Ocean