Ugh how the heck did it get to be saturday already? Im still half asleep sitting here, sat up on the laptop in bed last night reading Joker's updates on Big Brother just to see who won the power of veto!! Okay... 3am is when I got the results and I am freaken tired now!!!
I took yesterday off due to my house crying for some attention. The vaccuming was overdue by a day or two( with five indoor cats it has to be done at least every other day if not everyday). Then those forever piles of laundry that seem to never get smaller , and when the
y do... they grow faster than a weed!!! Always something that needs to be done inside....and well we won't even mention the weeds I need to pull outside!!! That will be another day for sure! Steve and I spent the last two days also getting financing for Shane to get a car .... yep that boy is making payments on something worthwhile now!!! Beautiful little car though and he is very happy!!!

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