Well today I finally finished a Santa..with a patriotic touch to it. Gosh I would so much rather make Santa's all year than anything else... guess that's where my heart really is. I have more naked ones laying on the floor and some that are dressed and boxed waiting for the holidays to arrive... blink and they will be here no doubt!!
The days are going fast and my son has a countdown going. I myself like to not think about it , yet I find myself thinking of the day we make the drive up to Portland, get a motel room have one day together and then he will be off. I play it over and over in my head. What I should say?? Should I try my hardest not to cry?? LOL IMPOSSIBLE!! I know I need to reassure him I am proud of him first and foremost... its just going to be tough. My husband will be off to a memorial golf tournament that weekend and then off to a fire conference that whole week so I will be here alone. Maybe that's a good thing, no one asking me if I'm okay. I will no doubt do the crying on his bed like I did when he left for college and looking at his clothes etc. My cats will all think I'm nuts... Okay... that's enough I need to stop thinking!!!
On another note. Brian is back in the hospital having another round of treatment. His lesions have shrunk since the last round and they are moving forward with more. HE IS GOING TO BEAT THIS!!! So again prayers are very much appreciated for him and his family. My sister Rhonda sent this blog link to me earlier today. They had their family photos taken and they look wonderful!!! Brian looks great and well the family together is a blessing...
I have seven naked doll bodies laying here waiting for paint to dry on their shoes!!! I see progress!!! Three Santa bodies are naked and need clothes in the worst way and I am working on a special order Santa. So I have been busy.... of course they aren't dressed and that's where my brain seems to not function these days... So I will close for tonight... work on a special order and hopefully make some progress on it... tomorrows a new day!!!
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