Adele was finished today and listed on
ebay!! I was asked if I am coming out of my funk??
LOL. I can't say I am, as the ideas
aren't flowing.. not even sure day to day what I am going to do or create. I'd like to wake up one morning and have ideas flowing... ideas of things to make no one has seen. Just to BE CREATIVE!! But in turn I struggle and maybe that is normal for artists I
don't know....
I started to work on my items for the
WSOAPP shoppe. Crossing my fingers to stay focused in this sewing room. We have wet drippy weather outside/thunderstorms so
I'm not biting the bit to get in the yard to work. I think I've just got
alot going on in my head these days.

I was going downstairs to do laundry and noticed a piece of paper folded up on the floor. Not sure why I unfolded it as I normally just throw paper away..I hate paper!! But... I unfolded it to find this note.... Something Shane had written years ago, signed on the back To: Mother From: Shane . With him leaving I can't tell you what it means to find this at such a strange time out of nowhere. Kinda like it was mean't to be as I
haven't a clue how it got down on the floor. I vaguely remember this given to me years ago on Valentines Day... This little piece of paper is so special now!!! I make myself sick thinking about him leaving so I try to put it out of my head but truthfully
I'm not doing a very good job at it!
Yesterday I went to my doctors office just to stop in and request a prescription change to a generic hormone. I've been paying $23.89 a month for my hormones and wanted a cheaper one. So I go in rather than calling and being put on hold etc. I
proceed to tell the
desk clerk what I was asking and she said would you like to see him today? I said sure!! Well that requires I go back downstairs and check in.. and give my $25.00 copay!!! UGH crap but I do it.... About 45 minutes later I finally get called in a room.... get my blood pressure taken 122/76. Great,,,
I'm pleased. Doctor comes in and asks me what is wrong and what can he do to help me.
LOL I tell him I just wanted a prescription change to which he apologizes for the girls making me get an appointment... Too late the money was gone by then! I love to pay money to just TALK to someone!!! Anyways...he changes my prescription and lets me know I
don't have to have paps etc anymore and my risk for breast cancer is very slim BUT.... I probably should go have that mammogram just to be safe... Oh special!!! So I get to dread June 12
th now.. Crap right on top of Shane leaving I have to dread something else! Now I know,, its really no big thing, just like going to the dentist is no big thing. But I hate anything that changes my days.. I like getting up in the morning and doing what I want when I want... I
don't like appointments unless its for coffee with a friend! So I will be complaining about this boob squishing til the 12
th passes!!! I did get a prescription for $3.33 though so all was not bad!!!
Nothing else much going on here... I need to get busy and get this brain working!!! Have a wonderful day!!