Two posts in one day,,,has to be a reason. What I learned tonight I had to post about. My son asked to stay the night at a friends house last night after the movies. They came by the house, got clothes, visited with me and left. So as any parent would.... I go to sleep and all is well... WELL was it?? I never got a phone call in the middle of the night nor in the morning. Seems no one felt I needed to
know....???? See after they left our house they went up to Burger King and sat talking to friends, and then two girls showed up ,, they all decided to go to the ocean. Well they take the long way, the curvy way, the so called short cut. Luckily my son decided to get in the back of the Jeep with his two buddies. MIND YOU THEY DIDNT WEAR THEIR SEATBELTS!!!! The two girls were in the
front. Seems the girl driving is either a horrible driver or she was showing off driving fast and reckless. NO alcohol was involved this was simple fun joy ride that took a turn for the worst, but couldve been deadly.. So by the photos you can see they are all lucky to be alive. The door opened is the door my son opened to get out.... Luckily no one was killed, but there are some minor injuries. The girl
in the passenger front seat messed up her neck, shoulder and hand. My son has marks on his shoulder and is quite sore today. Needless to say,,,,, I am glad they are all okay,,, floored I wasnt notified til my son told me about it this evening when he got home. I think angels were wa
tching over them last night.....
This mom job is hard!!!

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