Wow what a day it has been... I am so tired of boyfriend/girlfriend problems!!! This takes so much out of me.....Top it off with housework that is never complete and trying to get my son to study for asvab tests is enough!!! I need a break!!! I did manage to finish this wonderful Santa,, oh how I love this guy as the picture just doesn't do him justice. Using an old baby coat I have had here it worked out perfectly for him to wear... he is very regal sitting there. I also finished another santa holding a stocking... Another one of my larger santas which I will probably not make alot more of. With postage and the time making him I will probably concentrate on more of the smaller varieties.
I have three more dolls laying naked on the floor here in hopes of getting dressed in the next day or so. One to be another angel in a long baby gown, I am excited to get her finished.

Another week and Lemon Poppy Seeds will be updated with ornaments and hopefully a couple dolls and on the 7th WSOAPP will be updated with ornies and dolls and for the first time for me... We will be having a Open House giveaway to anyone that enters.... If you choose to enter my personal giveaway all one has to do is go to my blog on the Whispered Sisters of a Primitive Past and enter in my add to mailing list. I will draw a winner and you will be notified in the month!!! I will be posting a picture here and also on my shoppe on the 7th. So ... although I've been kinda busy with all the problems in life I seem to get some of my sewing done,,, oh well if the laundry sits on the couch folder or not folded, or a bed isn't made, or the bathroom needs to be cleaned.... My house is lived in and primitive!!! Just no surprise visits from anyone!!!
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