So happy to be back home!! Steve and I were treated to a weekend getaway with several other couples on a trip to San Diego and Catalina island this last weekend. My husband does advertising through TBS broadcasting and this was a way of saying thank you to some of their customers. So friday we boarded a plane for San Diego, all expenses paid, airfare, food, limos, hotel etc. The hotel we were in was in the 300.00 dollar a night range. Beautiful old historic U.S.Grant. Where a bag of M&Ms go for 8.00 a bag (thats the normal bag we buy for 50cents). Expensive! A picture of their headboard in the room tells it all.... Care to guess how much this so called piece of art sells for?

$12,000 dollars!!! Yes above each bed is this piece of padded fabric for a headboard and what looks to be a drawing with a sharpie pen! My husband and I laughed at it, looks like if you made a mistake you just darken it in and move on. There are tiny dots for the fine lines and big blotchy black thick marks for dark outlines. Heck I think I could do this and be rich!!!
We spent saturday on Catalina island. Pretty island but nothing I want to return to anytime in the near future. Very touristy. Lots of small bars, restaurants and shops. Tons of people on the beaches!!! You couldn't even see the sand between the people is how crowded it was!!! Alot of people proud to show off their bodies, some deserving to and some well lets just say I didn't need to see!!!

Golf carts were rented for us and we toured the little bit of the island you can view by driving them. I was excited to see the botanical gardens... LOL. I invisioned beautiful flowers, LOL... much to my surprise I got to see CACTUS and more CACTUS!!! Dry ugly sage brush!!! I did happen to catch one of these cactus blooming!!! Wow a site to see....lol

. The highlight of the trip for my husband and I was touring the U.S.S. Midway aircraft carrier. If anyone truly knows me they know I am totally infatuated with history and war memorabilia. Sit me down with a good war story or movie and I am hooked. Steve and I spent over 3 hours aboard the ship and enjoyed every minute of it. It's amazing to see what small cramped quarters our servicemen live in for months at a time so that we may be free.... Overlooking the ship there is this wonderful statue which Im sure greets sailors tha

t come into dock with memories of their loved ones. So now its back to reality and my sewing and cleaning. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some progress to share!