OH the mail came today... and there sat this envelope. I thought YES I got the letter Shane said he wrote. But then I started to think... I sent him with the small envelopes and this was a bulk mail stamped envelope. He called
friday and said he wrote me a letter there is no way it could be here already. Yeah.. It
isn't the letter I was waiting for but all his graduation information. A little let down but yet its nice to see the handwriting. Also my postcard finally arrived to let me know he arrived... A BIT LATE 2 1/2 weeks later...OH well I am still happy and will just wait again tomorrow for that letter to arrive!

All in all things are getting better for me. I still go into his room just to take in his cologne, or look out the front window to see his car parked out there. My laundry has been cut more than in half, and what is cooking these days ? So I should be happy... BUT I MISS HIM!!!

I have managed to get two dolls listed on
ebay and tonight hopefully I will update the
WSOAPP shoppe.
Esmeranda and Gretchen are the first of my Fall/Halloween dolls. I really
don't enjoy that season so won't do too many things related to Halloween.

Christmas is my favorite time of year and love anything to do with it. Very soon
Santa's will be creeping on the listings...
Hmm let's see the last time I read moms blog she still has her Christmas countdown going... something like 172 days left!!! Where the heck has 2009 gone? Cross your fingers my time waiting for graduation goes by fast... Stay tuned for updates hopefully tomorrow... LETTER, LETTER, LETTER!!! PLEASE!!!!