Another beautiful day in Coos Bay, sun is shining and no clouds!! Very mild temps in the 50s..PERFECT!!! Wow another week went by and not sure I can brag I did much. I've spent alot of time in the sewing room. Have 5 naked doll bodies now, one doll on ebay, one almost done and three santas in the making. YES I said santas!!! I have an order for a special one and while doing that I figured might as well sew a few more . I love making them and if I can get a good supply made I will be that much more ahead when the season starts....??? wishful thinking!!!
My daughter is moved now into another place. This time a duplex. Super cute two bedroom for a tiny bit more than she paid before. Nice carpeting and layout so she seems to be happy with it. When I get over there again I will take pics.... BAD thing is I got one of her cats back!! Of course I get the one that doesnt listen and is Male so has a mind of his own. He terrorizes one of my females something awful so just don't know if this whole mom gets a cat thing is going to work out. Love cats but I also like a peaceful house with no kitty stress!!
Yesterday Steve took Shane and a friend snowmobiling again at Diamond Lake. Last weekend Shane's sled was towed in with carburetor problems and once again after spending money to have it fixed over the week it bit the dust again. Luckily we have an extra and Steve had it on the trailer. Shane had a blast on the other one ( Bad thing its Laresa's!!) Anyways... a pic before the death of the sled. Shane loves taking jumps and being a daredevil, all in all he had a blast along with his friend.
Later this week it looks like we will be doing some shopping for another snowmobile. Always something!!! I hear Steve took a nasty spill at 85 miles an hour. My sons friend watched it happen but luckily there were no injuries and he was wearing a helmet of course. HMMMM something about taking a curve, on snow and ice at 85 miles an hour sounds like STUPIDITY!!!! Yeah but to hear them talk about it...... its WOW!!! Men... do they ever cease to amaze you ???
So today I have them all home again,,,, I have to cook something for dinner.. ugh!!! I plan to sew all day and watch football... GO STEELERS!!!
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