It's official... Shane is an Airmen!!! What a wonderful time I had spending with him this last weekend!! Thursday we got the first glimpse of him at the Airman's run and then had to wait a couple hours til the Coin Ceremony. Very moving to hear the Airmen recite the Airman's Creed and receive their coins. Then it was time for me to make my way down to see him for the first time in 8 1/2 weeks. Oh the tears flowed when I grabbed on to him and hugged!!! He did so well... he sniffled and fought back the tears. I was so dang PROUD of him I could burst!! He looks so good in uniform!! Shane has never been a bad kid or one that caused troubles...but boy could you tell the difference in him. He isn't a boy anymore but a MAN. Everything he says is "yes mam, or sir" Its unreal how grown up he is!! Of course the goofy side is still there but not in public....lol While there we were finally able to get his college credits straightened out and he was able to sew that first stripe on his arm!!! Of course that meant having stripes sewn on all his clothing,,,, $80.00 later!! But its a pay raise and heck college he hated paid off!!!

Mom, Rhonda, JoAnn and Chris all flew in on Friday for the actual graduation ceremony. Shane was so happy to have them all there and if he didn't say it I know he mentioned it to me several times!! Poor mom walked her legs off!! Had some great food while down there but there is no way in HELL I would ever want to move there!!! HOT and DIRTY!! ick!!!

Now Shane will stay at Lackland AFB for another 14 weeks, if all goes well with tests and training he will graduate Security Forces and come home finally for 10 days at least!! I am counting down the days to see him again especially back at home. The hardest thing was having to say good-bye and I am still having my moments when I talk about him. One nice thing is he has his cell phone and can call in the evenings. Once he can get online he will be able to use his new laptop and life won't be so boring for him in the evenings.

So now I am back home and reality must take over again. I have got to sew!! I see on my moms blog that Christmas is 121 days away!! That's right around the corner!! I looked out in the yard yesterday and the weeds are quite happy and the grass is long..UGH that's a day of work in itself! I have all the walls to paint in the house in the worst way and a wedding that needs to be planned.... What is time? I don't know I'm not using it wisely and need to get my act together!! So after a few errands today I am sewing on two Santa's...if I can get them done then I will work in the yard tomorrow and maybe somehow I will get my long list of things to do DONE!!!

It's good to be home and my cats missed me!! Brandy won't seem to leave me alone now. I think she thinks I'm leaving her again!! I miss Shane but I know he is safe and eating well. Until he comes home I will start checking off the days on the calendar once again.......
Isnt he handsome in uniform??
Your post made me cry! You are such a great Mamma!
Congratulations, Air Force Mom!!!! Aren't the ceremonies moving? Your weekend sounded exactly like ours last Thanksgiving for our oldest son's graduation (security forces too!!!). Our youngest son just got his departure date -- December 1 he'll be on his way to Lackland for basic.
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